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Natural Factors, CurcuminRichm全身優化,60軟膠囊

#1 Absorbed form of Curcumin‡

Curcumin is the yellow pigment in turmeric with many valued health benefits, but it is difficult for the body to absorb. Theracurmin is a natural curcumin’s preparation that utilizes advanced techniques to reduce curcumin's particle size, dramatically increasing its solubility and bioavailability. Detailed absorption studies have proven that Theracurmin is the best-absorbed form of curcumin on the market. ‡

‡Scientific scrutiny revealed that Theracurmin was more bioavailable on a milligram-to-milligram basis than other leading♦ enhanced and regular forms of curcumin.

若您第一次購置Natural Factors, CurcuminRichm全身優化,60軟膠囊,建議可先旁觀以下購物教授教養,便可了解購物體例,別的保舉使用匯豐信譽卡刷卡付款,享有2.22%購物回饋,同等享有市價3折優惠外再打98折以上優惠,當即申辦享有優惠!

信譽消費及預借現金合用之循環信譽利率:5.68%-15.00%。每筆預借現金手續費:新臺幣100元+預借現金金額 X 3.5%及其他費用查詢請洽滙豐銀行網站/環利率基準日為104年9月1日

♦As measured by SPINS 2014 data.

But CurcuminRich contains Theracurmin- a natural preparation that utilizes advanced techniques to reduce the particle size of curcumin within a vegetable gum (gum ghatti) to dramatically increase its solubility and bioavailability. Detailed absorption studies have proven that Theracurmin is the best-absorbed form of curcumin on the market‡. This improved absorption with Theracurmin is extremely important in getting the health benefits curcumin provides.

立時購買 DHL 5天快遞到台灣

It's not how much you take, it's how much you absorb!

A major breakthrough in curcumin absorption!

頓時購買 DHL 5天快遞到台灣

"Theracurmin represents a major scientific breakthrough and is the #1 absorbed form of curcumin. ‡Finally the powerful health benefits of curcumin can be full realized!" - Dr. Michael Murray

Learn More

  • Support joint health, comfort and function
  • Support the body's natural inflammatory response
  • Promote heart and vascular health
  • Exert powerful antioxidant activity

© 2016 Natural Factors, CurcuminRichm全身優化,60軟膠囊. All Rights Reserved. Designed by FreeHTML5.co Demo Images: Pexels

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大順街胖老爹 市民大道八德店麵包蛋糕外送
sponsor: 床的世界. 除臭襪有用嗎. 借錢.

  • Dietary Supplement
  • High Absorption Curcumin
  • With Supercharged Supplements Extracts
  • Healthy Heart & Brain Function
  • Isura - Non-GMO - Mass Spec - Documentation- Lab Tested
  • Purity & Potency Guaranteed

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巨群街勝十蘭拉麵 西門町店中式摒擋外送
Manufactured by Natural Factors to ensure safety and potency in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) of the FDA and Health Canada.